
Photogrammetry has a long and proven track record in archaeological applications. The main benefit is that the subject can be photographed, modeled and interrogated in true 3-dimensional measurement units without any disturbance.

The example below is an excavated grave from Boscombe Down in Wiltshire and demonstrates how two pairs of
photographs – one pair from the north and one from the south, can be merged in Imagemaster to create a complete 3D model that can be viewed from all angles – including from below.

Fig.1 Overhead photograph of grave

Fig. 2 Perspective view from PI-3000 showing the photographic drape on the digital
surface model.

Fig. 3 Another perspetive view with the photo-drape disabled. The yellow and blue
triangular networks (TINS) represent the models from the respective north and south
photo pairs.

download this example as VRML

Read more about Boscombe Down here