
Imagemaster software has an impressive ability to map all aspects of quarry topography that could not be surveyed using traditional methods due to H&S and time considerations. Of particular interest to blasting planning where rock protuberances can be modelled.
The accuracy of the model below is about 5cm and was acquired using a 6 megapixel Nikon DSLR with 28mm lens.

Fig.1 One of the two photographs used for the modelling

Fig. 2 Overhead view of model surface with photo-drape

Fig.3 Perspective view of 3D model made from just one stereopair

Fig. 4 Same view as above with contour generation.

Fig. 5 Imagemaster can be used to click on a model and generate cross sections. The left image shows the location of the line A-B and the right hand image shows the resulting X-Z section.

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estimation using photogrammetry

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