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    Ore minerals are native gold and Dolomite Powder Milling Machinery electrum, arsenopyrite and pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite and white lead ore, chromite, limonite, smithsonite, malachite, ore mineral is given priority to with quartz, and feldspar, kaolinite, dolomite, calcite, pyrite, galena, chalcopyrite mineral assemblage. Mainly has its shape of granular structure of mineral, half automorphic granular structure, crushing structure, structure, the concentric circles structure, etc. The ore structure are mainly disseminated, dense disseminated, veinlet impregnated article, vein, net vein, the belt, block, etc.
    Good useful components mainly for gold Chromite Beneficiation Plant Price in the ore, monomer natural gold is less, the main inclusions in gold occurrence in pyrite and arsenopyrite. Associated beneficial elements boc content is 0.20 53.8 grams per ton, an average of 16.37 grams per ton, low content of other elements, no industrial utilization value. 0.0011 0.54% arsenic content in ore, an average of 0.16%.
    Natural type gold ore type is single, ore type gold-bearing sulfide ore. Industrial type is given priority to with primary ore, surface and shallow oxidation ore and a small amount of mixed ore. Ore body roof and base rock are mainly monzonitic porphyry, lamprophyre, siltstone, sandstone, limestone and some cataclastic rock. Less commonly, orebody in thickness is small. The surrounding rock are pyrite, limonite, arsenopyrite mineralization and silicification, sericitization, kaolin, carbonatization alteration, silicification, sericitization and carbonatization closely associated with gold mineralization. Porphyry copper molybdenum mineralization in the area mainly appeared in the inside or within the contact zone, the gold mineralization mainly occurs in the outer contact zone of rock mass.